
The safety of our participants is our number one priority. The ride is not a race and there are no road closures along any of the courses. If you follow road safety rules, keep your fluids up and follow marshalls instruction and event signage, you will have a safe and enjoyable ride.

Please obey the following rules to ensure your safety, along with the safety of all participants:

  1. Riders are to obey all road rules, plus additional bicycle-specific rules. If you need to refresh your memory please check out the VicRoads website.
  2. Riders must obey Police instruction at all times.
  3. All cyclists are to wear a securely fitted and fastened helmet that contains;
    • A mark of compliance with the Australian Standard
    • The symbol of a JAS-ANZ accredited company
  4. All bikes should be roadworthy. We recommend getting your bike serviced prior to the ride to make sure everything’s in order.
  5. Triathlon bars are not permitted.
  6. Cyclists should only ride two abreast and change to single file to help drivers overtake safely if necessary.
  7. All riders must carry spare tubes and a pump, and know how to repair a puncture.
  8. Those riding in the 200km and 100km ride event are expected to be able to maintain a speed of 25km per hour.
  9. Any rider that passes the lead car is not covered by the insurance provisions of the event.
  10. Any rider that falls behind the rear vehicle is not covered by the insurance provisions of the event.
  11. Conventional road, mountain and tandem bikes, as well as E-Bikes are permitted. Please see our terms and conditions for clarification on E-Bike usage and permissions.
  12. Any riders that are late to finish will be picked up by the tail vehicle and taken back to the Start/Finish Site.